Worship Service for September 15, 2024
Service will start at 10:30 AM
Worship service will be
live streamed on Facebook and YouTube at:
Sunday School
Sunday School for children and youth resumed September 8th!
Sunday School for children and youth takes place during the 10:30 a.m. service
after the children’s Message.
The K-5 grade class meets weekly,
and the Youth class (6th-12th) meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
Both classes meet on the 3rd floor.
Youth Group meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 4:00 p.m.
In the Youth Room on the 3rd floor.
Central is located in downtown Detroit, at the corner of Woodward and Adams Ave.
In front of Comerica Park and next to Grand Circus Park,
one block south of the Fox Theater.
Sunday Service parking in the back of the church on Elizabeth St.
23 East Adams Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Phone - 313-965-5422
Fax - 313-309-3199
Central United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation. Regardless of your race, ethnicity, immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic situation, age, ability, belief, or background, whether you are single or partnered, you are God’s beloved and you are welcome here.
We'd love to hear from you
Please download the Vanco form and return one of the following ways:
1. Mail form to the Church Office at Central United Methodist Church,
23 E. Adams Ave, Detroit, MI 48226
2. Fax to the Church Office at 313-309-3199
3. Email the form to the Office Administrator at debrac@centralumchurchdetroit.org
Please click here to download the Vanco form for On-line giving.